Address: U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2
Secretariate: +420 224 96 22 32 - 3
1. CT department
Phone: +420 224 96 22 36
Senior consultant: MUDr. Josef Hořejš, CSc.
Technician: Martina Vojtíková
The department is equipped with modern multislice machine Siemens Sensation 16 (which will soon be replaced by new 64-slice device from IOP EU) and performs the whole spectrum of CT examinations.
It deals with patients after acute injuries, diagnostics of tumours, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, vessel diseases.
The department also performs unique CT-guided procedures such as treatment of liver tumours and tumours of other organs (so called radiofrequency ablation) and other interventional procedures in thorax and abdomen.
2. Ultrasonography
Phone: +420 224 96 21 79
Senior consultant: MUDr. Jiří Jahoda
Technician: Jitka Svobodová
The ultrasonography department is equipped with one of the most modern fully digital machines by Toshiba enabling almost the whole spectrum of ultrasonography examinations such as examination of abdomen and pelvis, soft tissues and vessels including Doppler imaging. The machine contains software for use of contrast agents which applies mainly for the differential diagnosis of focal liver lesions. Also ultrasound-guided interventional procedures are performed here (biopsies etc.). Special probe serves for superb imaging of rectal wall in patients with tumours. |
3. Angiography
Phone: +420 224 96 27 80
Senior consultant: MUDr. Jan Kaván
Technician: Kateřina Posejpalová
The department performs many vascular interventional procedures both diagnostic and therapeutic, except for intracranial and cardiac interventions. The major part of work includes angioplasty of peripheral and visceral vessels, the department performs more than 50% of all interventions on patients with hemodialysis fistulas and on central venous system in the whole Czech Republic. Furthermore artificial therapeutic embolizations as well as introduction of continuous intra-arterial access for targeted application of therapy are done to patients with tumours.
The department employs a team of experienced and educated specialists. It is equipped with angiography system Siemens which provides high quality imaging.
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4. Radiography
Phone: +420 224 96 22 31
Senior consultant: MUDr. Tomáš Padrta
Technician: Jiří Neumann
The central radiography department performs a wide spectrum of radiography and fluoroscopy examinations including nonvascular interventions and examination of gastrointestinal system. Interventional procedures of biliary tree are also performed here, which include percutaneous biliary drainage, stone removal from the biliary tree and stent application.
A major portion of examinations is represented by trauma patients referred by the 1st Clinic of Surgery. The department also performs examinations for other clinics and departments within the complex of the hospital and provides a continuous emergency service.