1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Radiodiagnostics
skins 21.11.2018

Clinic of Neurology


Address: Kateřinská 468/30, 128 21, Prague 2
Phone: +420 224 96 50 60

Senior consultant: MUDr. Dagmar Altmanová
Technician: Bc. Vladimír Smékal

vchod-neurol..jpg The department of Computer Tomography (CT) in the building of the Clinic of Neurology together with the MRI department form a neuroradiology unit within the Clinic of Radiology.

CT machine is type SOMATOM EMOTION by Siemens.

The main target of this department is neuroradiology in its whole extent, including brain perfusion and CT angiography with special regard to early diagnostic of stroke with close cooperation with the intensive care unit of the Clinic of Neurology.

The CT department further deals with examinations from all specializations. The department cooperates mainly with the Clinics of Hemato-oncology, Oncology, Urology, Gynecology, the Clinics of Pulmonary diseases and Internal medicine. We also examine patients with occupational diseases and pediatric patients.

When required we perform biopsies and drainages under CT guidance and therapeutic interventions on spinal roots and intervertebral joints.

number of views: 2785 author: skins, last modification: skins, 21.11.2018
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