1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Radiodiagnostics
skins 18.09.2017

Clinic of Urology


Address: Ke Karlovu 459/6, 128 08, Prague 2
Phone: +420 224 96 76 12

Senior consultant: MUDr. Simona Chocholová
Technician: Hana Ečerová

The radiology department in the Clinic of Urology focuses on modern diagnostic procedures of kidneys and urinary system. The examinations are performed with use of modern ultrasonography machine and radiography/fluoroscopy device which serves also for dynamic studies of the urinary system (such as urethrocystography).

The department provides services mainly for patients of the Clinic of Urology.


number of views: 2392 author: skins, last modification: skins, 18.09.2017
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