1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Radiodiagnostics


Radiology propedeutics

These lectures are made for new subject Propedeutics of Imaging Methods in 3rd year. However, they can help in your studies for Radiology exam in 4th year. Hope the lectures will be of help.

Jiří Beneš, 29.10.2018

01 - Introduction to radiology - part 1

01 - Introduction to radiology - part 2

02 - XR and radiation protection

03 - Contrast agents

04 - Ultrasound

05 - CT

06 - MRI - part 1

06 - MRI - part 2

07 - Imaging of head and neck

08 - Imaging of the thorax

09 - Imaging of abdomen and pelvis

10 - Imaging of urinary track

11 - Imaging of musculosceletal system

12 - Neuroradiology

13 - Breast imaging

14 - Interventional radiology

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